So i had this weird ass dream where I walked by my roommate and some unidentifiable horse
looking woman. Before I could even comment on the weather horse girl said to roommate,
"yeah, that's like using someone else's loofah!" and
they both looked at me with a look that cried
'well, what do you think...WAYLON!' to which I replied,
"what's wrong with using someone else's loofah?"
and my roommate went from inquisitive to infuriated,
like he was going to pee a little in his pants and then I said, "what? it's just a loofah...man" to
which he replied, "Just a loofah!?...JUST A LOOFAH!?!?"
he walked off saying something under his
breath about midgets and sharpening knives. I looked at horse lady and quipped, "why the long
face?" to which she nayed, "First off, that's not funny! and second, don't even step to me motha
fucka! I'll smack da nasty out yo ass...god damnit! I'll go so milli vanilli up in this bitch you'll have to call your mommy for a ride home!" Call my mom...what?! I was thouroughly confused and
thinking, well no, actually, I said, in a voice that clearly expressed me one upping this
whore,"well then, it's a good thing there's no nasty in my ass for you to smack out...so HA! and
what the fuck is Milli Vanilli up in this bitch? And why would I have to call my mom for a ride hom? That makes no sense...What, are you going to do that poor editing voice
over thing like in karate movies? is that the milli vanilli reference?" Then I gave myself a
figurative pat on the back as if to say, 'oh, we got this bitch'. Then she stepped back and started
moving her lips like Mr. Ed did, which, by the way, I heard that the way they got him to do that
was by sticking carrots in his butthole, I stuck a carrot in my butthole once and definitely did the
Elvis slash quiver slash I didn't really stick a carrot in my...I have no evidence to back that up
the Mr. Ed lip move theory, but that's what I heard...maybe I heard it in a dream...anyway, back
to horse lady. She then got in the charging position and did that breathing thing out her nose
where you can see her breath and it made her look like a bull or something. She then charged
with the fury of a million really strong things and stopped right as she got to me, turned around
and kicked me right in the ass! She then nayed, "Then what the FUCK is that motha fucka?!" I
looked at the ground and thought 'no fuckin' way, she just knocked the nasty out of my ass!' I
don't recall what it looked like, but it was definitely nasty. As I searched the room for nothing
other than a utensil to put the nasty back into my ass with...my roommate came out of his room
with a naked mexican midget holding the machete my Grandpa had me use to cut his corn fields
down with, and a sombrero filled with chips and salsa and said, "JUST A LOOFAH!?!? That's like
you waking up in the morning with my naked ass sitting on your face and YOU get pissed, and
then me saying, 'What? it's just my balls dude...um...woah!...is that your nasty on the ground
dude?'""Yeah, you...go...on...without...me...and tell Karl Rigby I want my Karl Malone rookie
card to be in my coffin god damnit...are those Bugle Boy Jeans you're wearing?" My roommate
then grabbed a chip from the mexican midget's hat and ever so delicately dipped it in what
looked like Sam’s choice salsa...mild, and placed it on my lips choking out the words,"I know if
anything will bring you out of this, it's food." and I said,"dude, wrong time for fat jokes, I'm
dying, FUCKER!...that was kind of funny though...(cough,gag,cough)....salt...(cough)salt" My
MACHETE, QUICK, RAIN DANCE OR SOMETHING" to which the mexican said, in perfect
english,"I'm a mexican midget, not an Aztec you culturally insensitive fuck ball!" and he ran
away, spilling the chips and salsa everywhere...my kryptonite...Mrs. Ed was hesitant but she
finally gave up the salt cube she'd been licking on the whole time...I thought, 'no wonder you
weren't in that TV show you ungrateful bitch!' My roommate rubbed what we later found out
was a 24 sided di on my lips and placed the chip in directly after...he shook my hand and
professed,"you still have the grip of a thousand milkers waylon..."everything got blurry, then I
woke up and went to class, the end....PS...that was the saltiest 24 sided di i've ever tasted!
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